Dr. Wayne Cordeiro is the President of New Hope Christian College, Senior Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship and founder of New Hope International.
Church Planting Articles
Wayne Cordeiro is known for effectively planting hundreds of churches over a long period of years, but in a recent interview with me he said, “I’m learning that Church planting isn’t the goal; discipleship is! Church planting is actually a byproduct of biblical discipleship.” Everyone needs to let that statement soak in.
Cordeiro has shifted his focus from church planting to building up the kind of leaders that can effectively lead a ministry of any kind. He said, “The number one danger in ministry today is undertraining.”
Ministry Magazine Article:
David Pendleton: Dr. Cordeiro, your church is the fastest growing church in Hawaii, and one of the fastest growing church es in the United States; from a handful of members about eight years ago to over 10,000 attendees each weekend. What is the primary reason for such unprecedented growth?
Wayne Cordeiro: Honestly, there is not really a single key; there are several. The first is that we are completely devoted to welcoming the hand of the Lord on our ministry. Without His hand, without His pleasure, we are dead in the water. We must do everything in such a way that we delight the heart of God.
The second is that it is my heart's desire to speak the gospel in the language of the people, in a way they can understand. I do so without compromising the gospel. A lot of times, churches answer questions that nobody is asking. I try to find out where people are hurting and speak to the hurts using the gospel.
Look at Jesus. He always met people's needs. Whether it was the woman caught in adultery or the woman putting a couple of pennies in the offering plate, He spoke to people where they were. Everything He said was connected to everyday life. So we at New Hope try to connect the gospel with everyday life.
The third is doing church as a team, where we involve everyone. It is not a "come and see church." It's an "equip and send church." We tell people to come and be involved. The more people involved, the stronger the church.
Church Planting Resources
Doing Church as a Team
Your church may have many members, but does every member have a purpose? In Doing Church as a Team, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro underscores that church numbers are insignificant when every individual is not involved. However, if the team members work together as one toward a single, clearly defined goal, anything is possible and everyone shares in the joys and rewards of success! Pastor Wayne Cordeiro shows you how to identify the hidden callings of the members in your church so that together you can accomplish anything God has called you to do.
Four Volume Logo's collection of Dr. Wayne Cordeiro's books
In this collection, Cordeiro presents practical and personal wisdom for pastors, leaders, and laypeople feeling overwhelmed by life’s or ministry’s demands. He lays out the groundwork for transforming your lifestyle—your values, goals, and calling—so that you can serve with greater passion and joy, and avoid burnout. Cordeiro brings the focus heavenward, showing how an intimate relationship with God can revitalize believers and lead to a life of love, selflessness, and effective ministry.
In the Logos edition of the Wayne Cordeiro Collection, Scripture passages link to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With Logos’ advanced features, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “spiritual formation” or “leadership.”